Project Overview

Why MariEMS?

It is accepted that 90% of world trade happens by sea, as a result it is not surprising that in 2007 the global shipping industry estimated to have emitted 1,046 million tonnes of CO2, 3.3 percent of global emissions, and in 2015 this reached some 6 % of world total.

In a recent paper (Ziarati, 2015) it has been reported that the IMO had taken a series of actions which led to the introduction of several new regulations such as the Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI), Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SSEMP) & Energy Efficiency Operational Index (EEOI), while the MARPOL new regulations has imposed strict emissions caps in emission control areas.

The International Shipping Facts and Figures IMO report 2012 stated the number of propelled sea going vessels across the globe of at least 100 Gross Tonnage was 104,304, with cargo carrying vessels being 55,138. 

The majority of the IMO requirements on ship emissions are contained within MARPOL, with Air Pollution being the focus of Annex V1. The MARPOL regulations impose strict emissions caps in two emissions control area's which are (partly or completely) inside the EU, the North Sea and the Baltic Sea as well as in several areas in the US, Canada and other locations worldwide and growing. These emissions caps are intended to control main air pollutants in ships exhaust gas, including, C02, sulphur oxides (SOx) and nitrous oxides (NOx), and prohibit deliberate emissions of ozone depleting substances (ODS).

A 2011 report by Lloyds’ Register on the Assessment of IMO mandated Energy Efficiency Measures for International Shipping forecast that by applying the EEDI and SEEMP, there will be an average of 151.5 million tonnes of annual CO2 reductions by 2020 which will increase to 330 million tonnes annually. However, in all their predicted scenarios, the report found that an absolute reduction in CO2 emissions from the 2010 level does not seem possible using just EEDI and SEEMP, as the projected growth in world trade outweighs any predicted emission reductions.

As the regulations and technologies governing Energy Efficiency on board ships become more complex it has been recognised by the IMO and the Industry that seafarers need to be trained to a much higher level in these fields. To this end, the IMO introduced SEEMP and a training the trainer (TTT) course for Energy Efficient Ship Operation, currently there is no job specification, and there is no training specification, for the trainees of this course.

The purpose of the MariEMS Partnership is to develop of an energy management job and training specification for the trainees of the IMO’s TTT course , and the development and implementation of an online leaning and assessment system for the new training programme so that current cadets, as well as existing seafarers, at sea and in ports, can up-skill themselves to the new regulatory requirements.

As the maritime industry is global, creating standard job and training specifications across European countries as well as a training programme to be submitted for international approval to the IMO and professional bodies, MariEMS is taking the first steps to help support IMO and the EU achieving their stated emission targets through better management of energy on board vessels.

Project Objectives
  • Design the first international standardised job specification for the trainees of the TTT course, a role introduced as result of the IMO TTT course (with reference to ISO 50000 requirements).
  • Design and develop the first international training specifications and training programme for the trainees of the IMO TTT course including learning materials.
  • Design and develop a tailor made e-learning delivery platform for the new Maritime Energy Management training programme.
  • To present the MariEMS Energy Management job specification, training specification, training programme, and online delivery platform to International Regulators and awarding, accrediting and licensing bodies to secure international recognition and begin the process of setting the international standard for this new management role and educational area.
  • Design a training programme and delivery method that will result in seafarers and cadets becoming qualified trainees who could take a role in the implementation of the IMO SEEMP which will result in more energy efficient vessels and maritime industry as a whole thus helping the EU meet its 2020 energy emissions targets.

It is envisaged that IMO TTT course is a prelude to a new role for those responsible for maritime energy management.  



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